Funky G Kafana Na Balkanu dinle izle indir seyret kaydet watch listen
Funky G Kafana Na Balkanu Lyrics Sözleri
Banku za pijanku...
-Ten bucks for a drinking party
Groznica subotnje veceri udara,
-Saterday night fever hits
drma, ljulja, obara sa nogu
-Shakes, swings, overturns
skoro ce nedelja ujutru
-Sunday morning is comming soon
pravo vreme za ples i za ljubav novu
-It's the right time for dancing and for a new love
Banku za pijanku, banku za igranku
-Ten bucks for a drinking party, ten bucks for a dancing party
još kuci nije nikome u planu
-To go home still isn't anyone's plan
tu gde se luduje, tu gde se tuguje,
-Here where there is crazyness, here where there is sadness
tu Bog stvori kafanu na Balkanu
-Here God created a cafe on the Balkans
Vatra za dlanove, sentiš za parove
-Fire for the handpalms, a slow song for the couples
pod ovim nebom ptice smo u letu
-Under this sky we are birds while flying
i kad se luduje, i kad se tuguje
-And when there is crazyness, and when there is sadness
ma ovo nema na ovom belom svetu
-Well there isn't something like this in the wide world
Groznica subotnje veceri udara
-Saturday night fever hits
drma, ljulja, širi se po gradu
-Shakes, swings, spreads around town
skoro ce nedelja ujutru
-Sunday morning is comming soon
pravo vreme za ples i za novu nadu
-It's the right time for dancing and for new hope
Pevaj kafano na Balkanu
-Sing cafe on the Balkans
nek' lete caše po plafonu, po plafonu i betonu
-Let the glasses fly on the ceiling, on the ceiling and on concrete
pevaju u inat svakom bolu
-Sing out of spite of every pain
sipaj viski, dodaj coca colu
-Pour whiskey, add coca cola
Banku za pijanku...
-Ten bucks for a drinking party
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